Saturday 12 February 2022

Immigrant children have better education and pay than Canadian children on average, according to a research.

A new analysis by Statistics Canada based on immigrant tax data sheds light on how young arrivals do in the job market.

Immigrant children, according to a recent Statistics Canada research, have a greater rate of postsecondary education and earn more money in their mid-20s than the rest of the Canadian population.

The research is based on 2019 income tax data from the Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB), which shows how immigrant children assimilate into Canadian society over time.

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The findings demonstrate that immigrants who arrived to Canada as children attended postsecondary education more frequently than the general Canadian population, with those admitted at younger ages having the highest participation rates. From the age of 25, children accepted as economic immigrants fared better than the Canadian average. Then, by the age of 30, sponsored and refugee children had median salaries that were equivalent to the general population. These results mirrored those of a Stats Can poll performed for the 2018 tax year.

In preparation for future study on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on immigrant children, their adjustment period, and their long-term socioeconomic consequences in adulthood, data from 2019 will be used to create baseline estimations.

Children who arrived in Canada before the age of 15 had unusually high rates of college enrolment. The participation percentage among 20-year-old immigrants admitted as children was over 70%, compared to roughly 59 percent for the rest of the Canadian population. At age 25, the participation rate for immigrants admitted as children was around 33%, compared to roughly 27% for the rest of the Canadian population.

Immigrant children's engagement in higher education reduced as they grew older. In 2019, approximately 77 percent of 20-year-old immigrants who entered the country before the age of five enrolled in postsecondary education. For children entered between the ages of five and nine, the participation percentage dropped to almost 72 percent, and for those admitted between the ages of ten and fourteen, it was approximately 64 percent. Academic preparedness, for example, has an impact on postsecondary involvement.

Participation in postsecondary education among children of immigrants appears to be linked to their parents' socioeconomic status. Because of Canada's economic immigration screening procedure, the majority of these parents already had some university degree at the time of their entry. As a result, children of economic immigrants participate in postsecondary education at a substantially greater rate than children admitted under other immigration categories, particularly during early adulthood.

At the age of 20, children of economic immigrants had a postsecondary participation rate of more than 75 percent, compared to roughly 61 percent for children of sponsored families and about 59 percent for the entire Canadian population. With a rate of roughly 54 percent, refugee children had the lowest involvement in higher education.

Children from economic class report better wages.

Immigrants who arrived as children in Canada had lower median incomes ($10,900) than the rest of the population ($12,900). This, according to the study, is because immigrants were most often engaged in postsecondary courses at this age. Immigrants' median salaries increased to $31,500 at age 25, above the national average of $30,290.

Economic immigrant children, on the other hand, had around 11% higher median incomes ($33,700) at age 25 than the general Canadian population ($30,290). The median earnings of 25-year-old immigrants who arrived to Canada as sponsored children was less than the national average.

At the age of 30, immigrants admitted as children of economic immigrants had a median pay of $55,500, which was almost 29% more than the national average of $42,940. Children from refugee families earned somewhat more than the Canadian average of $43,200, while children from sponsored families earned around $41,000.

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