Wednesday 1 December 2021

Canada to welcome a record number of PR holders from India this year - Aptechvisa

The five-month-old restriction on direct flights from India does not appear to have dampened the enthusiasm of Indians seeking to immigrate to Canada, with new numbers indicating that Indian immigration is on track to set a new record this year.

Last year, the Covid-19 epidemic led to a significant decline in Indians obtaining permanent resident (PR) status in Canada. That number has increased considerably in 2021, with 69,014 Indian nationals receiving PR status through the end of August. In 2020, the overall population is expected to be 37,125. Furthermore, the trend for 2021 shows that the year's intake numbers will surpass the previous all-time record of 84,114 set in 2019.

The public authority is pushing for a way to extremely durable residency for individuals currently in Canada since Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) presented three streams in May of this current year to simplify the cycle. Furthermore, the IRCC will acknowledge 20,000 applications for brief representatives in the medical service area, 30,000 applications for transitory laborers in different enterprises, and 40,000 applications for global understudies who have moved on from colleges in Canada.

The projections for 2021 confirm a recent trend of rising Indian immigration to Canada. Indian immigrants accounted for one-fourth of all permanent residences granted in 2019, setting a new high at the time. India has been the greatest source nation for permanent residents since 2017, when it surpassed China as the primary provider, despite the fact that the numbers have climbed in previous years, with a 20% increase.

Part of the reason for the ongoing surge, according to Toronto-based lawyer Ravi Jain, founder of the Canadian Immigration Lawyers' Association, is the impact of restrictions in the United States under former President Donald Trump's administration, as well as other magnet countries closing their borders for an extended period during the pandemic, such as Australia.

"Canada is basically viewed as a building feasible country for a lot of families," he continued.

Similarly, Canada has set more aggressive immigration targets for 2020. The 2021-2023 Immigration Levels Plan, which was announced at the time, was created to compensate for the anticipated shortfall in 2020 as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic's travel and other restrictions.

In the prior plan, PR targets were set at 351,000 for 2021 and 361,000 for 2022, but they have now been raised to 401,000 and 411,000, respectively. The populace gauge for 2023 is generously higher, at 421,000. 60% of the affirmations will come from the financial class, which has been overwhelmed by Indians lately.

For more info, please call 📞 +91-7503832132 or Fill Free Canada Immigration Assessment Form

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