Wednesday 26 August 2020

Some of the Best Tips for Preparing Your PR Visa Application

Do you have pure intention to immigrate to Canada this year? Scrounging for the best ways to gain entry into the maple country? Well, Canada PR Visa is the best sea to sail your ship on as it can allow you to reside and work anywhere in the maple country without any hitch. However, there are certain eligibility requirements that you need to fulfil if you want to realize your dream of settling in an entirely new nation.

So, are you ready to apply? Well, prior to applying for this visa, you need to have a look at some of the tips that you can follow if you want to experience a stress-free journey throughout. You might have heard this statement that “ An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” It’s always better to take the steps carefully rather than regretting at a later stage.

Catch a Glimpse of the Best Tips to Prepare your Application

Following are some of the tips that you can follow for all the programs such as Express Entry, Provincial Nominee Programs and Family Class Sponsorship Programs.

Find the Program that Best Suits Your Eligibility

You might have heard that the Canadian Government has introduced more than 60 immigration programs, each having different eligibility criteria. Some programs are based on a point-system criteria, while others are not.

Some of them require a nomination from a state or territory, others may not. Some programs operate as per the first-come, first serve basis, while others may not follow this criteria. Moreover, there are many programs that only operate for a limited time-frame. So, explore and choose the best one you’re eligible for, to avoid the chaos.

Accumulate all Your Documents Beforehand

When you’ll submit your application, the IRCC will ask you to put forward all your documents. You all might be aware that some of the documents need months to get. So, to avoid any discrepancies or any delays, it’s always suggested to gather all the evidences even if you haven’t been asked to present them.

Check Your Application twice, then thrice

In the modern world, no one wants to face any delays, especially in the case of the Immigration. Some of the applications face delays and often get rejected because they’re incomplete and lack proper set of documents and evidences. These applications get rejected because the applicant didn’t read the instructions and submitted the form carelessly.

Keep an Eye on the Expiry Dates

It’s always advisable to keep a vigilant eye on all the documents that you require at the time of submitting your application. These documents can be your passport, your language test results, police background checks, medical checks, invitation to apply, work/study permit (If any). So, it’s important to keep a track on all the expiry dates. If you can remember, set reminders or alerts in your phones so that you can get a clear track.

Intimate IRCC in advance if there’s any Change in the Circumstances

Is there addition in your family? It can be a new born baby, or a spouse. So, if you want to include either your spouse or child in your application, then intimate the IRCC prior to submitting your application.

Has your address been changed? Have you got married? Well, these are the things that need to be on notice of the IRCC, so that you don’t face any delays at a later stage.

Final Words

Have you gone through the above success secrets. Well, it’s time to follow the tips and then apply so that you can score maximum Canada PR Points, that in turn will ease the entire process. If you don’t know what needs to be done, how it needs to be done, all you can do is availing the services from the best immigration experts so that you experience a hassle-free journey to land into the most favorable destination. Good Luck!

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