Thursday, 23 March 2023

New Zealand Skilled Migrant Draw invites 423 applicants in the recent draw

 On January 18, 2023, the most recent selection of Expressions of Interest (EOIs) under the Skilled Migrant Category took place.

In order to assess whether an invitation to apply for residency will be granted, 423 EOIs representing 1,004 people and having a total of 180 or more points will now go through preliminary verification.

Following the selection, there are 653 EOIs in the pool.

Latest New Zealand Skilled Migrant Draw 2023:



With Job Offer

Without Job Offer


160 or more














Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa

Applicants for this visa need to possess skills that can advance New Zealand's economy. Before applying, you must submit us an expression of interest (EOI) that includes information about your qualifications and employment history.

What are the requirements for the Skilled Migrant Category?

1.  A decent head-and-shoulder photo

2.  A copy of your passport or identity document.

3.  A police certificate: must be presented if you are 17 years old or older.

  • The nation in which you were born.

  • Any other nation where you have resided for at least a year in the past ten years, even if you did not stay there for the whole year in a single trip.

4.       As evidence of your good health, a chest x-ray, and physical examination are required.

5.       One of the following must be submitted with your application:

• Passing a language proficiency test in English.

• Proof that you have spent at least five years working, studying, or living in Australia or New Zealand and that you are a citizen of Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom, or the United States of America (USA).

• Proof that you possess a credential equivalent to a New Zealand level 7 bachelor's degree that you earned in one of the following countries: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, the UK, or the USA. To earn that certification, you must have studied for at least two years in one of those nations.

• Proof that you possess a credential earned in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, the UK, or the USA that is recognized and similar to a postgraduate New Zealand credential. In order to receive that certification, you must have studied there for at least a year.

5. When applying for New Zealand citizenship, you must be under 55 years old.

6. You must demonstrate your skilled employment, including possessing the required: if you are invited to apply for residency.

• Work history;

• Education;

• Registration in an occupation.

7. If you want to receive points for qualification, you must be able to prove that it is legitimate.

In order for a qualification to be recognized, it must either be on the list of qualifications exempt from assessment, have undergone an evaluation by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA), or both.

A New Zealand registration authority has evaluated it at the same level as a credential on the List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment as part of an application for New Zealand occupational registration, or

It is an undergraduate degree that has been accredited by the Washington Accord or the Sydney Accord.

8. When claiming points for work experience, you must demonstrate that it was skilful.

You must be eligible to receive at least 100 points under our scoring system for the Immigration body to add your EOI to the Pool.

If accepted, you have four months from the time of the invitation to submit an application for residence.

You will be informed in your invitation to apply what specific proof you must offer to back up the assertions you made in your EOI, which may include:

  1. A job description and an employment contract
  2. Copies of your credentials and academic records;
  3. Your complete or provisional occupational registration, if New Zealand law requires you to have it in order to perform your job
  4. Get a report from the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) attesting to any degree or certification that isn't on our list of recognized or exempt degrees or credentials.
  5. proof of your relationship to any close family members you listed on your application;
  6. references, paystubs, tax returns, or contracts attesting to your job experience;
  7. evidence that any close relatives you listed on your application reside in New Zealand.

They might not be able to issue you a visa if you are unable to present proof to back up the assertions you make in your EOI.

Process for Skilled Migrant Visa

1. You first send your expression of interest.

You can use our points indicator to estimate how many points your expression of interest (EOI) will be worth before sending it to us. To be included in our selection pool, you must have a minimum score of 100. At this time, are only choosing EOIs with 160 points or more.

2 You receive a request to apply for residence.

If they choose your EOI, they'll make sure you've claimed the appropriate number of points for your age, experience, occupation, and credentials.

If you are eligible, they might invite you to apply for a visa under the skilled migrant category. If we select your EOI we check you have claimed the right number of points for your age, experience, employment, and qualifications.

If you meet the criteria, we may invite you to apply for a Skilled Migrant Category Resident visa.

3 You present your residence application.

A link to the application form is sent along with your invitation to apply. Your assertions regarding your employability, health, moral character and English-speaking abilities will need to be supported by papers.

'Employer Supplementary Form' is another document they send you. Give your future employer this to fill out.

4 Your application is decided upon by them.

They will notify you if there is anything additional that needs to be done.

As part of the procedure, they can ask to interview you.

You must have a current visa if you are already in New Zealand. If we select your EOI we check you have claimed the right number of points for your age, experience, employment, and qualifications.

Here's how New Zealand Immigration calculates your points.

• Age: In order to qualify for a New Zealand resident visa, you must be younger than 55. There are a total of 30 points available.


Maximum Points









• Employment Factor (Maximum 50 Points): If you have a skilled job and are currently employed in New Zealand, you may be eligible to receive a maximum of 50 Employment Factor points.


Maximum Points

If you are working in an area of absolute skills shortage


If you are working outside of Auckland


If you have pay above the high remuneration threshold


• Qualification: You can get 70 points under the recognized qualification element, which requires that your credentials either be evaluated by a New Zealand-based authorized authority or be included on the Exempt from Assessment list.

Level Of Qualification

Maximum Points

Level 3 - 6 A Trade Qualification or a Diploma


Level 7- 8 Bachelor’s Degree


Level 9-10 postgraduate


• New Zealand Qualification: If you meet the requirements for New Zealand, you can add 25 points.

Level Of Qualification

Maximum Points

2 Years of Full-Time Study in NZ Post completing a Graduate Degree


1 Year of Full-Time Study in NZ Post completing a Graduate Degree


2 Years of Full-Time Study in NZ – Bachelor's Degree


Recognize qualification level – 4- 8 completed before 25th July 2011


• Relevant Work Experience in a High Demand Skilled Profession: If you have pertinent work experience in the designated ANZSCO code, you may receive up to 50 points. The following method will be used to determine how relevant work experience is.

1. You must have job experience relevant to the market, and

2. You must have the qualifications listed in the list.

Years Of Experience

Maximum Points

02 Years


04 Years


06 Years


08 Years


10 Years


• New Zealand's Bonus Points for Work Experience:

Years Of Experience

Maximum Points

1 Year or more


• Bonus points for work experience in a field where there is a severe scarcity of skilled workers:

Years Of Experience

Years Of Experience

2-5 Years


6 Years and Above


• Partner points: You are eligible to receive 40 points for your partner's qualification if they are employed in New Zealand or have received an offer of skilled employment there. Your partner must also be able to communicate in English at a level that is equivalent to yours.

• Requirements for Partners:

Years Of Experience

Maximum Points

Qualification levels 7- 8


Qualification levels 9- 10


• Employment or job offer letter from a skilled partner:

Years Of Experience

Maximum Points

Job offer letter


NZ work experience minimum 1 year


Click here to view the previous Skilled Migrant Category Draw

If you meet the criteria, we may invite you to apply for a Skilled Migrant Category Resident visa.

Nationality composition of Expressions of Interest

Nationality Percentage





South Africa


Sri Lanka


Great Britain




United States of America












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