Thursday, 22 December 2022

Provisional Residence State Sponsored Visa for Australia (Subclass 491)

For applicants who are sponsored by a state or territory government (or eligible family) and who want to apply for a provisional residence visa, the 491 visa is a skilled (points tested and invited) visa.

A visa subclass 491 holder agrees to live and work in the sponsoring state or territory for the first three years after moving in, and they must fulfil this criterion before they may apply for an Australia permanent residence visa.

You must receive an invitation to apply for the visa and submit an EOI.

• You must be sponsored by an eligible relative or be nominated by an Australian state or territory.
• In order to attend, you must be under 45
• For the pass mark (points test), you must receive at least 65 points (including state sponsorship points which adds 15 points)

Type of Visa: Provisional (Temporary) Residence

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Processing period (for obtaining a visa):

  • 7 months for 75% of applications
  • 8 months for 90% of applications

Steps required to apply for a 491 visa

  • Assess the nominated occupation's skill level
  • Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) and wait for your invitation to apply for your skilled worker visa
  • Apply for your visa
  • Receive an invitation from the relevant state or territory government agency if not from an eligible relative be nominated

Pass Mark for 491 Visa

The current threshold for migration points is between 65; However, this varies depending on the quantity and quality of the applicants. Some professions require a much higher pass rate, see "Last GSM Invitation Round".

  • Passport
  • Police Clearance Certificate
  • Marriage certificate
  • Language Competency Report
  • Birth certificate
  • Evidence for financial dependency (case specific)
  • Adoption papers (case specific)
The following is the supporting documentation you must submit in support of your EOI claims:
  • Skill Assessment
  • Language Assessment
  • Australian skilled employment
  • Education Qualification (as per Australian standards)
  • Specialist education
  • Study in regional Australia
  • Partner skills
  • Work experience in Australia

What criteria apply to the skills evaluation?

  • Matches the information submitted in Skill Select for the nominated occupation
  • Unless the assessing authority specifies a different timeframe, valid for three years
  • No other aims may be pursued; only skilled immigrants may

Do you need a job offer to get a 491 visa?

Application for a subclass 491 visa is not required to have a job offer. If an Australian state government wants to nominate you, they may have extra requirements to achieve their specific state objectives, which could include obtaining a job offer.

Who may sponsor a 491 visa?

An eligible relative is someone who is connected to you or your partner and can be your parent, kid, stepchild, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, nephew, niece (step or adoptive), grandparent, first cousin, or any combination of those.

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Your sponsor needs to:

  • be an eligible New Zealand citizen, Australian citizen, or permanent resident;
  • be your or your partner's eligible relative;
  • be at least 18 years old;
  • typically dwell in a specific area of Australia;

Only nominated occupations on the Medium Long Term Skilled Occupations List are available to applicants for this visa who are sponsored by eligible relatives.

Should I apply overseas or in Australia? Is it possible to list family members on a visa application?

You may submit an application whether in Australia or abroad, and you may add dependent family members like a spouse or partner and dependent children.

What happens once I apply for a 491 Visa?

You have to wait until a Case Officer is assigned to determine your eligibility. Making sure you submit a decision-ready application is crucial since it will be approved without a need for more information.

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