Tuesday 7 December 2021

Is it good to apply for Canada PR now? - Aptechvisa

Canada is known for being one of the world's most hospitable countries to immigrants. Immigrants built our country, and Canadians are proud of it.

Many residents may find Canada to be an appealing option for a variety of reasons, including:

     Universal healthcare is free, so Canadians and permanent residents don't have to worry about astronomical medical expenditures.

       Better work-life balance: Canadian workers work fewer hours. The normal number of weekly labour hours in Canada is 40 hours.

       Paid statutory holidays: In Canada, statutory holidays such as Canada Day are paid.

      Paid maternity leave: Canadian mothers can take 35 to 61 weeks off and get paid through the Employment Insurance system (EI).

·     Canada is more migrant-friendly: According to a recent global survey, Canada is the most migrant-friendly country on the planet.

·       The job market in Canada is growing: Due to Canada's strong economy and the large number of large firms, the employment market benefits immensely; jobs continue to stream in, and this is one of the reasons why immigrants are rapidly flocking to the country because the job market welcomes them with open arms.

·     Canada is one of the most educationally advanced countries in the world: One of the most compelling reasons to immigrate to Canada is to pursue a higher education. In numerous polls, Canada is voted the top country for education.

·      Canada enjoys a high standard of living: In 2020, Canada was ranked first in the highest quality of life (source). In the year 2021, we will see an increase in the number of persons who desire to move to Canada and those who have already done so.

·      Canada is one of the world's safest countries: Aside from being ranked first in terms of quality of life, you'll be surprised to learn that Canada is constantly ranked superior in terms of safety. In fact, according to Daily Hive, a reputable portal, Canada is the world's second safest country. When it comes to crime rates, Canada has the lowest, which is one of the reasons for the high quality of life in the country. Canada's immigration policy has always been welcoming, both by the government and by Canadians themselves, ensuring that problems such as racism do not arise.

For more info, please call ðŸ“ž +91-7503832132 or Fill Free Canada Immigration Assessment Form


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