Friday, 19 November 2021

SINP International Skilled Workers Invited 633 Total Number Of Candidates For EOI

The SINP’s EOI selection rounds that have occurred through the system are issued on November 18, 2021, for the 633 total candidates. They applied under the express entry and occupation in the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP). First, they choose the applicants who meet the qualification criteria of Saskatchewan PNP. Then, the province gathers people from the express entry pool and invites them to apply for a provincial nomination from the province. The dates of the selections will not be posted before they take place and the selection procedure will go on a bi-monthly basis, at minimum.

Canada Free Assessment Form

Out of the total 633 candidates, 425 invitations were issued to the candidates who applied under the Saskatchewan express entry stream of SINP. The remaining 208 invitations were issued to the candidates who applied under the Saskatchewan occupation-in-demand stream of Saskatchewan PNP. Those who have received an invitation in the latest SINP draw held on November 18, 2021, are now eligible for a provincial nomination from the province of Saskatchewan. 

The invited candidates who had an educational credential assessment, then the score of the lowest-ranked candidate are 65 under both the subcategories such as express entry and occupation-in-demand. These CRS score points are based on specific parameters such as age, work experience, academic qualification, proficiency in English or French, connections in Saskatchewan, etc.

Not all occupations were selected. The works were chosen and eligible for the EOI selection on November 18, 2021, have a specific classification. You can view the table referenced underneath to acquire an unmistakable comprehension of the most recent Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) conducted on November 18, 2021.  

Date of Invitations to Apply


Score of Lowest Ranked Candidate to Apply

Total Candidates Invited to Apply

Other Considerations





November 18, 2021

Express Entry



Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. Not all occupations were selected. The occupations chosen and eligible for the EOI selection on November 18, 2021 have the following classification numbers: 0711, 0016, 7242, 0712, 7294, 7231, 7281, 7243, 7201, 7371, 7203, 7235, 7283, 7272

Occupations In-Demand



Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. Not all occupations were selected. The occupations chosen and eligible for the EOI selection on November 18, 2021 have the following classification numbers: 0711, 0016, 7242, 0712, 7294, 7231, 7281, 7243, 7201, 7371, 7203, 7235, 7283, 7272

So, if you’re keen on living and working in the region of Saskatchewan on a long-lasting premise in 2021, then this is the time you would take off. Investigate the two best floods of SINP, for example, the Express section and occupation sought after. Both the streams are an optimal pathway to acquire passage into Canada and become extremely durable inhabitants there. 

Pick the best one! Before picking the best one, ensure that you are eligible or not! Fill in the free online assessment form so you can decide your qualification free of charge! Choose the best immigration Consultant Company to settle in Canada. Aptech visa guides you and evaluates your profile for visa processing.

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