Saturday 16 October 2021

How to Immigrate to Canada: Key Steps in the Canadian Immigration Process

Canada immigration has emerged as one of the top priorities for young ones, especially for Indians. Making the decision to move to another country entails a number of administrative procedures. It is necessary to know Canada Immigration Process before you leave your residence and after you arrive in the country. Canada is a popular country for immigration also it has the most organized point-based system for Immigration. If you wish to immigrate to Canada, you have to know the applying procedure and have an idea about Canada Immigration Process.

But don’t worry, we Aptech Visa will always be available for you. Here is the detailed information regarding the same.

Free Canada Immigration Assessment Form

There are two methods to apply for a Canada visa, you would require to applying through one of the points-based immigration programs of Canada, i.e.

1.             Express Entry System

2.             Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) of the various provinces.

What is the Maximum Age for Canadian Immigration?

For any Canadian immigration program, there is no specific age limit requirement. In most categories of skilled worker immigration, applicants must receive a maximum point if they lie 25-35 age, but this doesn’t mean that person above this age or older applicants cannot be selected. The individual who has high language proficiency, advanced education, substantial work experience, and connections to Canada can easily immigrate to Canada. Family sponsorship and Refugee immigration to Canada do not have any penalties for age whatsoever and they do not use a ranking system.

What is the different Immigration Option to Immigrate to Canada?

There are few options available for every person who wants to immigrate to Canada and wishing to embrace a better life and future in Canada. Some of the Canadian Immigration categories are as follows:

Canadian Experience Immigration: This includes those individuals who have prior work experience in Canada.

Family Sponsorship: To immigrate to Canada you can apply for a family visa. In this. Aptech visa will help you out to know to process and eligibility criteria.  Spouse, Common-law partners, Dependent Children, etc. For Canadian Citizens and Permanent residents.

Trade Worker Immigration: In this Category Heavy/Long haul Driver, Welders, and Electricians, etc.

Skilled Worker Immigration: The entire skilled class worker like IT worker, Professor, Engineers, Lawyers, Specialist, etc.

For more info, please Call 📞 +91-7503832132 Or Free Canada Immigration Assessment Form

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