Saturday 8 August 2020

What’s a Good IELTS Score in Australia 2020

Well, in order to immigrate to Australia, having a good score in the IELTS Language Proficiency Test is must, if you want to experience a smooth journey. The main purpose of the IELTS test is to check whether the skills you possess are strong enough to survive abroad or not. Being proficient in English if you want live life freely, else you would not be able to communicate in Australia. 

So, if you want to immigrate to Australia as a student, it’s important to get a glimpse of what is the good IELTS score that’re considered.

Well, let’s have a look at the top three universities and their IELTS score.

• University of Melbourne: Overall score 7 with a minimum of 7 bands in all the four abilities

• Australian National University: Overall score 6 with a minimum of 6 bands in all the four abilities

• University of Sydney: Overall score of 6.5 with a minimum of 6 bands in all the four abilities

Well, the Victorian University requires the lowest score of 5 bands, where you need 5 bands in all the four abilities.

IELTS is a major requirement, irrespective of the program you’re applying under for the Australian PR. Be it visa subclass 189, visa subclass 190, business visa, student visa or any other, having a good score on the IELTS language proficiency test has been always advised if you want to carry the whole Australian Immigration Process as smoothly as a knife in the butter. 

Having Low IELTS Score? Don’t Worry! Follow the Tips Mentioned Below:

Tip 1: First of all, have a look at the five levels of English and what do these levels mean in terms of IELTS score.

• Functional English – An average Band Score of at least 4.4 for all the four abilities

• Vocational English – At least 5 bands for each of the four abilities

• Competent English – At least 6 bands for each of the four abilities

• Proficient English – At Least 7 bands for each of the four abilities 

• Superior English – At least 8 bands for each of the four abilities

Know more about IELTS Requirement Australia

Tip-2: IELTS Progress Check

Now, if you’ve not given any IELTS Test before in your entire life, you can check your progress by giving mock tests so that you can get an idea about the exam pattern. The practice tests are assessed and evaluated by the official IELTS-markers. The post is giving the test, you receive an indicative band score that reflects where you stand. Getting an idea about where you stand, you can start preparing further. 

Tip-3: Start Preparing for your IELTS Language Proficiency Test

After getting an insight into where you stand, now it’s the time to start preparing for the test. All you can do is take the coaching and prepare yourself for the exam or you can practice it online by having a look at the videos and the study materials. Follow the mantra of Practice, practice and practice if you want to actualize your dream of entering the castle of success i.e. Australia. 

Final Words

Follow the tips mentioned above and you’re all set to crack your IELTS test with a good score. The main thing that you’ve to focus upon is practice, practice and only practice. You might have heard the quote that says “Practice makes a man perfect.” Well, in this case, practice will help you get a good score in the IELTS Language Proficiency Test and ultimately paving a way to success for the Australian PR

So, don’t worry if you’ve a low Band score. Start practicing today and meet your goal of getting a good IELTS score, thereby easing the whole process for Australian PR. Good Luck! 

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