Tuesday 18 June 2019

SOL list Australia 2019

SOL Australia is known as Skilled Occupational List mentions those occupations that are in short-supply in Australia labour market. These occupations are currently in-demand in the country that requires maximum number of skilled and qualified workers to come and settle in the country on permanent basis to contribute towards their growing economy. If your occupation is listed on relevant occupational demand list of Australia then in such a case, you will be eligible to apply for Australia Skilled Migration Programs namely Australia Skilled Independent Visa Subclass 189, Australia Skilled Nominated Visa Subclass 190 and Australia Skilled Regional Provisional Visa Subclass 489. All these visa categories are point based visa and immigration programs where an applicant must score at least 65 immigration points out of 100 on Australia point assessment grid for the factors namely age, educational qualification, work experience, language ability and other factors. 

Any skilled and qualified worker willing to apply for Australia PR through skilled migration program must first check their nominated occupation on relevant occupational demand (ROL) whether you are eligible to apply for Australia PR or not. This is the primary step of applying for permanent residency of Australia. Check your occupation on SOL 2019 to see whether you can migrate to Australia as a skilled migrant or not. 

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