Monday 26 February 2018

South Australia Closes ‘High Point’ Category Quota

South Australia has been successful in attracting high quality applicants under the High Point category. This category is for the Supplementary Skilled List (SSL) occupations and ‘Special Conditions Apply’- the occupations on the State Nominated Occupation List. Immigration SA has received a high volume of applications for the high point category and the applications received will be monitored over the coming weeks.
Australia Permanent Residency

If the Immigration SA are closed to reaching the ‘high points’ category quota, the minimum points requirement will be automatically increased to 90 points. And, once the quota reaches, ‘high point’ category, 17/18 programs will be closed until 30 June 2018.
With effect from 19th February 2018, the occupations listed below are no longer available for nomination under the ‘High Point’ category. (Application submitted on or after 19 February 2018):
  • Finance Manager (132211)
  • Accountant (General) (221111)
  • Management Accountant (221112)
  • Taxation Accountant (221113)
  • External Auditor (221213)
  • Financial Broker (222199)
  • Financial Market Dealer (222211)
  • Financial Dealer (222299)
  • Financial Investment Advisor (222311)
  • Financial Investment Manager (222312)
  • Marketing Specialist (225113)
Source URL: AptechVisa

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